Fixin' Feral Felines
We are a group of concerned individuals, from DeKalb, Illinois, who have joined together to help control the feral cat population in our communities.

Who We Are
Fixin’ Feral Felines offers help for feral cats and their caretakers, through Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR)
We are a group of concerned individuals, from DeKalb, Illinois, who have joined together to help control the feral cat population in our communities. Since 2004, we have trapped and spayed/neutered thousands of feral cats & kittens.
The Reasons For Our Mission
Every day 10,000 humans are born and 70,000 cats and dogs are born. Each day approximately 22,000 cats and dogs are euthanized. To end the homelessness of cats and dogs, each man, woman, and child would need to adopt 7 animals each. That would mean a family of 4 would have 28 animals!!
For every cat or dog born, 31 are euthanized. The number destroyed does not include those who are shot, run over, killed by another animal, used for dog fighting bait, sold to research, abused and tortured to death by humans, or starved to death. Not every animal will find a good home.
The solution to pet overpopulation is aggressive spay / neuter programs and more low-cost clinics. Overpopulation is in everyone’s backyard and in everyone’s pocketbook
What Fixin' Feral Felines Can Do
Provide Information About Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR)
Educate neighborhoods & agencies about the benefits of TNR
Assist with trapping, appointments & transportation
Loan traps & cages
Fixin’ Feral Felines coordinates TNR efforts between law enforcement agencies, animal control, and animal shelters to provide the service to as many animals in need as possible.
Trap – Neuter – Return stabilizes and reduces feral cat populations humanely.
What Fixin' Feral Felines Can't Do
Fixin’ Feral Felines cannot get “rid” of your feral cats, or euthanize them.
We also are not an animal shelter, so we cannot house tame cats & kittens for extended periods of time.
And unfortunately we also cannot pay for all of the expenses of TNR without the help of our community.

Contact Fixin' Feral Felines
Our Organization Is Based Out Of DeKalb In Northern Illinois
Mailing Address
Fixin' Feral Felines
615 Normal Rd.
DeKalb, IL 60115
(815) 751-8227
If you do not hear back from us within 24 hours, please call again!
Email Address
Or Fill Out Our Form